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Crash mat importance in aerial classes, bristol

Crash Mats : Their importance and why we use them

Our Policy at Bendy Studio

Crash mats must be used at all times during aerial classes and open training sessions, unless directed otherwise by the instructor for specific moves e.g. floor spins, grounded aerial etc.


The stigma behind using a mat

“ But I don’t see performers using crash mats in shows? ”

This is because they have trained their skills and routines repeatedly for years with one. Crash mats are used during training sessions by professionals too and are an integral part of the learning process and understanding of safety and when required they use them during their shows too, there is no shame in using a crash mat. Check out your instructors social media posts, we can guarantee they will be using a mat too in many of their posts.


Setting an example

Lead by example. If students are not using a crash mat, then those who are new to a skill will see this assume this is the natural way to go and follow suit. Not only is this dangerous but it sets an unsafe practice for everybody involved. It only takes a moment of concentration loss for a fall to happen, and without your crash mat your injuries could be substantial.



Knowing that you have a crash mat beneath you helps with the fear when learning a new move or transition for the first time. This means you can fully concentrate on the task in hand and you can gradually work your way up to more advanced moves. It’s like climbing a ladder, one safe step at a time.


Injury Prevention

By no means does using a crash mat mean you are exempt from gaining an injury if you fall, however they do significantly reduce the risk of serious injury. They absorb impact and safeguard your body during a fall so you are more likely to come away with less of an impact on your body.