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students stretching at open practice

First class nerves…

Don’t let them stop you from finding something you love…

It’s normal to feel nervous when trying something new. The majority of the people in the class have probably had the same feeling, which is why they are so welcoming to new students. Here are some tips to help you feel more at ease during your first class. 



Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. There’s nothing worse than not feeling quite yourself in a new situation so prioritise your comfort. Wear as little or as much as you want. As a beginner you will mainly be working on spins so body grip isn’t completely essential and your instructor will be ready with variations if they are needed. 


Attend with a friend 

Sometimes all you need is a good friend to help you take the leap. I attended my first class with a friend for a bit of fun. Eleven years later I’m still hooked. Bendy however was let down by her hungover friends on her first taster, braved it, went anyway (alone) and it changed her life!



The day I realised that everyone is thinking about themselves during class is the day that I started feeling more confident. No one cares if I can or can’t do the trick, they’re too busy trying to do it themselves. Try using some affirmations in the lead up to class.

“I embrace the unknown.”

“I am open to this experience.”

“My anxiety does not make my decisions.” 

Say them enough and they will become true.  


Just book the class 

Don’t overthink it. Book it. Once it’s booked you are far more likely to go, even if you are feeling nervous. 

Acknowledge that you’re a beginner

We all have to start somewhere. No one is expecting you to scurry to the top of the pole in your first class. Enjoy figuring it out.


Visit the studio 

A new activity in a new place can feel quite daunting, so why not email the studio to see if you can come have a look at the space beforehand. Your visit will probably get you all excited for the class.


Drop us a message 

If you’re feeling really nervous, message the studio or the instructor to say hi. You can let them know that you are feeling anxious, tell them your concerns or ask some questions. Everyone at the bendy studio is professional and lovely, and will welcome you to class with a smile. 


by Kelly Courtney