Terms and Conditions
Although Pole & Aerial is our passion, we are a business too so we have to have terms & conditions in place to protect us. Please read them thoroughly before signing up for classes.

The aims of all Bendy Studio classes are to improve flexibility, muscular awareness, strength, balance and proprioception. The session will begin with a warm up including conditioning exercises for each body part to be used in the session. The instructor will then focus on different disciplines according to the lesson. The class will end with a cool down and the opportunity to ask any questions about the class. Please notify the instructor before the session if you have sustained any injuries, illnesses or medical conditions or if you feel there are parts of the session you are unable to take part in – participation is completely voluntary. All information given to the instructor is completely private and confidential under data protection legislation. Please ask as many questions as possible during the session, especially if you do not completely understand any move that is demonstrated. As with all exercise, Bendy Studio classes carry an element of risk and you may experience some bruising or burn and feel slightly achy for a few days afterwards. This session has been designed to minimise those risks and with continued practice your body will become conditioned to the movements involved. If during the session you feel excessive pain or discomfort, please notify the instructor immediately.

1. Should you need to cancel your class for whatever reason prior to its commencement, please see below for our cancellation policy:
a. 24 hours notice or more – no charge.
b. Less than 24 hours notice – no refund unless extenuating circumstances are present. (Extenuating circumstances may be accepted at the discretion of the instructor). Some classes/workshops cancellation policy may differ – please check with your instructor.
c. You can not get refunds for individual classes on block bookings.
d. You can not roll over missed block booking classes.
2. Bendy Studio reserves the right to cancel a course/class at any time. A refund or alternative class will be offered for any classes missed.
3. Bendy studio reserves the right to cancel your place on your class/workshop if payment is not received.
4. I understand that it is my responsibility to inform Bendy Studio of any changes to my health including any new medical conditions or injuries that may affect my capacity to participate.
5. I will not hold Bendy Studio liable in any way for injuries that occur during training.
6. Students are required to notify Bendy Studio if they are teaching or assisting at any other local aerial fitness school.
7. All material taught in Bendy Studio classes are not to be taught in any form at any other location without prior approval of Bendy Studio.
8. All students are required to abide by both the Safety Rules and General Class Policies which can be found on the front doors of the studio. Copies are available on request.
9. Your details will be used solely for the purposes of Bendy Studio and will not be shared with any outside agency.
10. To ensure the safety of all class members, the following rules are to be followed at all times:
a. The instructor must be informed of any injury you have sustained that could affect your ability to participate in the class.
b. All directions from the instructor are to be followed at all times.
c. Do not attempt any move or trick that you are unable to complete without assistance or have not been taught explicitly by the instructor.
d. Do not attempt to teach any other students in your class/group.
e. Any concerns over equipment should be reported to the instructor immediately.
f. You are advised not to apply any moisturisers, oils or lotions on the day of your class. Doing so will be at your own risk.
g. You are advised to wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the class you are participating in.
h. Jewellery is to be removed before the class.
i. Filming Policy – please only film yourself, do not include others in your videos or instructors without their consent.